Just a few , simple short comments about Obama and coming events.
Obama's Rising Sign is (18 degrees 03 minutes) in Aquarius opposite his Leo Sun. This is not an easy combination but it's one I trust better than most Leo combos, because the Aquarius Ascendant will force the self-glorifying Leo Sun to consider humanitarian purposes in whatever he engages himself in.
Obama's Moon in Gemini really helps his Aquarius Ascendant, too. If Aquarius Rising has a lightning quick intellect, Gemini Moon people are even smarter -- fast and accurate thinkers. But they aren't doing it as a mind game (like Mars Gemini people do). They do it in their sleep, in their dreams, in their souls.
Okay, so that's about Obama. What about election day?
On November 4th, Saturn and Uranus will be in exact opposition. This is a momentous thing. Uranus and Saturn are the two rulers for Aquarius. Uranus is the primary ruler; Saturn the sub-ruler. They don't necessarily get along though, these two planets. In opposition, it's likely to be a fight between the cold, righteous lawmaker (Saturn) and the unrepentent innovator and rule-breaker (Uranus). Duh!
The opposition takes place between Saturn (at 18 degrees 55 minutes) in Virgo and Uranus (at 18 degrees 58 minutes) in Pisces. Obama has Mars at 22 degrees 35 minutes in Virgo, in almost an exact conjunction with Saturn on Election Day (and in opposition to Uranus).
Mars in conjunction with Saturn doesn't feel so great; it feels crushingly restrictive. With Uranus in opposition to his Mars, as well, Obama is likely to feel like throwing everything to the winds ... but if Obama can bear it, Saturn the lawmaker is on his side that day ... with the rule-breaker opposing him.
It's a weird twist, since one might consider Obama as tending to side with Uranus (via his Aquarian Ascendant) over Saturn. But Obama has a good understanding of Saturn because his own Saturn resides in reliable and responsible Capricorn (of which it is the primary ruler) and he has his Jupiter right next to it in Aquarius (the conjunction crossing the border of the two signs).
This is a powerful placement and Obama shares it with one of the great builders of this nation: Thomas Jefferson. These people know how to make things that last well beyond their lifetimes. Obama couldn't have these two planets better placed. They reside in the signs of law and change.
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