JVB's Astro News Headlines

JVB's Astro News

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Introduction to my approach to the uses astrology

A few years ago, I wrote a long analysis of the Bush Gang using astro-mythological tools and terms. It was titled:The Beast from the Depths of Chaos: Astro-Mythology & the Bush Gang.

At the time, I was best known as a political/legal commentator. I had worked hard to build my reputation and establish my credibility as such. I used my law training diligently to craft careful analyses of the laws being passed under Bush and of the administration's interpretations and uses of those laws. My work was widely known and respected. The reason was that not only did I tell people what was really going on, I also broke news on many unspoken issues. I was the first to write against the PATRIOT Act, the first to raise the problems with FISA, the first to discuss the Bush Administration's violations of the laws of war, and the first to report on Bush's misuse of signing statements. All this, when others were silent.

My reputation was not lost after I posted the Depths of Chaos article, nor is it lost today, although I have stopped writing legal/political analyses for reasons of my own.

However, after that article, one reader approached me (in person) and commented: "Great way to establish your credibility."

I wrote no further political astrological pieces after that, mostly because they take a huge amount of time and work, but also because I felt they would not be productive since many people pooh-pooh astrology. But I still find astrology accurate in doing character assessment -- political character assessment as well as personal. So I have started this blog.

My assessment of the Bush Gang turned out to be horribly accurate, more so than I could have known when I was starting my research on it. What I learned through doing that analysis was worse than I had seen before, and it has been borne out by the administration's subsequent actions.

Please read it and post comments there and here.

But before I sign off here, let me add some comments about my approach to astrology. I do not use astrology predictively, nor do I think it should be so used. I use it exclusively to look at the hard-wiring of individuals. But there is a caveat here: just because you are wired in a certain way doesn't predict how you will use that wiring. You still always have choices, but the choices are dictated by the wiring. The wiring is discernible through the planetary aspects in your birth chart.

Thus, I do almost exclusively planetary aspect analysis. I do very little with houses, points, harmonics, transits, and never do predictions of political events, etc.

The reason for this is that planetary aspects are concrete. WHERE a planet is situated in the heavens relative to the other planets is a literal, concrete event. (It's all about angles, like billiards and geometry -- which is also most interesting if you know anything about sacred geometry.) I'm not saying the other astrological tools are completely abstract, but they are not as concrete as planetary aspects.

Further, there is solid scientific research that planetary aspects do have physical affects. I will write more on this later separately.

But I also always keep in mind the principle of nonlocality in quantum physics. This expresses the fact that if you split an atom or an atomic particle and send half of it light years away in one direction and the other half light years away in another direction, and you then DO something to ONE of those particles, the OTHER one behaves as if that action were done to IT, as well. Einstein called this "spooky action at a distance."

As Shakespeare wrote:

O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!

And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this blog and send others its way.


P.S. For my political writing, go to my JVB Line website. For my work on the use of archetypes in creating characters, go to my Archetypes for Writers website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like what I've read so far. Thank you.