JVB's Astro News Headlines

JVB's Astro News

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Julienne from Chaos-Stars on Obama

From Julienne at Chaos-Stars:

"Pluto is the generational planet. Once upon a time, the cry was "Don't trust anyone over thirty!" -and the difference was Pluto. Those over 30 at that moment in history had Pluto in Leo - and those below, had Pluto in Virgo.

The Pluto in Leo generation - many, especially outside the US, had been born intowar, and into a world where many males had been killed - Pluto/death, in Leo-father/males.I remember Australia lost an incredible percentage of its men, and all around me were crying and damaged families.

I think there are still issues with Obama - with his Sun square Neptune, and Moon square Pluto.The giant abandonment issues can lead to control and power concerns - witness how he so easilyturns around and abandons people in his life who don't seem valuable any more, like his "white"grandmother, Rev.Wright, and his stands on various issues which he seems to turn on so easily -like off shore drilling, like nuclear, like campaign financing.

The Pluto in Leo generation has Pluto on Obama's Leo stellium and 7th angle.With his natal PLuto in Virgo, and Saturn in Capricorn, he can, if he becomes president,draw on those aspects of his own self to work through these Saturn-Pluto issues in theUSA for the coming years - jobs, health, financial and other hierarchies. Will he be willing to really transform those? - or will he remain beholden to the health insurancecompanies, the big corporations, Wall Street - all of whom helped to finance his campaign?With his Pluto in Virgo, he has applied what he learned as a community organizer who wastaught how to sign people up to vote, and he has used that skill to organize these people to support his candidacy. Can he return the favour, and find jobs and health care for theaverage Joe and Jill?

Americans are so vulnerable at the moment, and exhausted and depressed by the Bush-Cheney Mean Years, and the idea of a pure saviour is so appealing to many. With Obama's strongNeptune he can present as whatever anyone wants, but the problem is that none of those images may be strong enough to be consistent or to have depth. In addition, the idea of a saviour disempowers individuals. I am afraid that, if Obama becomes president, that whendisillusion sets in, people will be afraid to observe objectively, and will drift again intodenial and disillusionment. We need to empower ourselves, not worship at the feet of false gods.We all have to work together to ride the energy waves of Pluto entering Capricorn, and theUranus-Saturn upheaval."

Julienne's New Blog: http://www.myspace.com/youandthecosmos
Radio: "You and the Cosmos" Tuesdays, 4:30 pm EDST Live Stream WHRW.ORG

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