Well, I couldn't discuss Obama without discussing McCain. And my first reaction, looking at his chart was OMG! He doesn't simply have a Grand T-Square; he's got a DOUBLE Grand T-Square, even more massive and powerful than the Mystic Rectangle of the birth of our nation! But what a killer! I mean, it is NOT an easy thing and easily explains his tendency to rage.
The double T involves Jupiter in Sagittarius to Saturn in Pisces to Chiron in Gemini over to Venus in Virgo. The giant square shape of the aspects in the chart is open at one point because Venus does not square back to Jupiter. Rather Jupiter squares up to Neptune in Virgo (which is, however, in conjunction with Venus, thus bringing Venus into the giant square formation).
This also, of course, means that McCain has not two but three oppositions: from Chiron to Jupiter, and Saturn to both Venus and Neptune.
There also is an opposition that cuts across the midpoint of two sides of this giant square shape -- from Chiron to Venus and from Saturn to Jupiter.
McCain also has several nice trines thankfully somewhat softening the massive amount of hardship for him: from his Sun to Uranus (the Maverick element, surely) (I don't count the one to his node), from Mars to Uranus (Maverick again) and to Jupiter (expanding on the themes of wild warrior), and from Moon to both Venus and Mercury (be thankful for all blessings).
The issues involved in McCain's chart are too difficult to manage. Virgo is not usually a warlike sign. His three personal planets in Virgo would make him careful, sweet, domestic, reliable. The Mercury in Libra would make him fair-minded. Chiron in Gemini indicates a wound to the mind. Uranus should be somewhat tempered in Taurus -- or perhaps just erratically bull-headed or stubbornly eccentric? Saturn in Pisces probably brings form to the emotional content, Jupiter in Sagittarius (where it's sub-ruler) -- good, generous, philosophical, fun-loving. And so on.
While one could say the Mars in Leo is fired up, it is not warlike, and although Pluto in Cancer is not my favorite (a generation of secrets in the home?), again, it is not in itself bad.
It's the aspects! As I always say, it's the aspects! It's the angles between the planets that is what has made and makes things so hard for McCain. That he crashed three planes and didn't lose his wings is perhaps not surprising. What makes things hard for McCain is also what holds him together. But woe betide anyone who has to live or work with him!
Why asc libra not pisces????????
from a copy of McCain's birth certificate giving 6:25 PM (Pisces rising) in Colon
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