JVB's Astro News Headlines

JVB's Astro News

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Transneptunians & World Events

Gene (email: ejohnson68@tx.rr.com) consented to my reposting his post on Transneptunians. I found it interesting and will perhaps comment on it later. JVB

Within the past decade a host of space objects have been discovered. At this point in time within the range of 1 AU to 1.3 AU there are about 4131 objects ( these are the Atens, Apollos and Amores).

In the 2 AU to 4 AU range there are 26 asteroids larger than 200 km.

There are 183 Centaurs and Scattered-Disk Objects ( these objects have a perihelia beyond the orbit of Jupiter and semi major axes inside the orbit of Neptune )

There are 1014 TransNeptunians - these objects have semi major axes beyond the orbit of Neptune and reside in what is known as the Kuiper Belt.

Now, among the TransNeptunians there are seven that are about the size of Pluto; Eris, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Varuna Makemake, and EL 61.

What are we to make of all this? How does this change our astrology?

Until recently planet and asteriod discoveries came on our screens slowly, we could study them separately, compare notes, observe correspondences to events and methodically build a character profile of the body. That has all changed today. A dam has been opened and a flood of Bibical proportions is upon us.

On thing is clear, the world has never experienced a comparable mass movement of humanity it is progress today. According to the International Migration Organization there are about 200 million imigrants worldwide. "Globalization" is the driving force of these dislocations and is changing the the form and structure of nation states and economies. Multinational Corporations forming giant trading/manufacturing blocs now are the dominate political/economic forces on the planet. National boundaries still exist, but these exist mostly as mere formalities as people, goods and information flow freely across them and across the globe.

So, in one obvious way the chaotic swarm of recently observed space objects corresponds to the chaotic conditions on Planet Earth today.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Science, Collective Unconscious, & Astrology

Alain Stalder, a Swiss physicist, has posted a fascinating discussion on these topics on his blog: exactphilosophy.

I will comment more later.